Questionnaires and Web Experiments - Best Mortgage Rates

A questionnaire is a research instrument that has questions in a standard format to capture responses from respondents. The responses to each question (item) in a structured survey can be aggregated and assessed statistically. Different types of research use questionnaires, including market research and academic studies.

When you design your survey, it is crucial to consider the people you’re targeting. The questions should be simple and clear without the use of terminology that is difficult to comprehend for those who are not experts. The length of the survey should be kept to a minimum. The longer the survey, the less likely respondents will respond.

Web experiments are an online experimental research method that uses a browser-based interface such as an application for mobile devices or a website. This approach has many advantages, including the ability to create interactive and personalised tests, the capability to monitor user activity and conditional branching based on the answers previously given by participants.

The disadvantages of web-based research include the lack of a control group which can result in unintentional confusion and inadequate generalization. Due to the interactive nature of web experiments, it may be difficult to analyse their results.

It is also important to test the questionnaire, in the case of a convenience sampling, prior to distribution on the field. This will help you identify ambiguity, unclear wording or biases in questions and eliminate them prior to administering the questionnaire to your intended audience.